Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 30 (1999)(Alchemist Research).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 no of parts 
   1 i$="AN30":
   1 h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$
   1 This part of  the  code  includes  an  OUTinstruction, but OUT in  machine  code  isexactly indentical to that in  BASIC.  So,this routine is basically  the  equivalentof OUT 254,0 in BASIC. If you  don't  knowwhat that does,  it  sets  the  border  toblack.                                                                              FE06 11 00 40 LD DE,#4000                 FE09 21 00 80 LD HL,#8000                 FE0C 01 00 1B LD BC,#1B00                 FE0F ED B0 LDIR                                                                     This is another LDIR,  and  it  moves  thecode from #8000 to #4000 for #1B00  bytes.In  other  words,  it  copies  the  screenpicture into the screen memory so you  cansee it.                                                                             FE11 11 60 9D LD DE,#9D60                 FE14 DD 21 B4 5F LD IX,#5FB4              FE18 37 SCF                               FE19 3E FF LD A,#FF                       FE1B CD 56 05 CALL #0556                                
   1 The first thing you need to do is to  findout what message is printed on the  screenwhen you die. Nine times out of  ten  it's"GAME OVER", but there are exceptions.    For GAME OVER you have to search  for  thefollowing bytes : 47 41 4D 45 32 4F 56  4552. This is GAME OVER in  ASCII  (look  upthe codes in Appendix A  of  the  Spectrummanual if you like).  Sometimes,  you  maynot find it, in which case just search for47 41 4D  45  (GAME  in  ASCII).  If  thatsearch fails, then the GAME OVER  text  isnot in an  ASCII  format  (this  is  rare,because printing routines are considerablysmaller when ASCII is used), and you can'tdo a backwards trace.                                                               Once you've found the GAME  OVER  message,you need to find out  which  part  of  theprogram refers to it.  Normally,  a  printroutine will  load  a  register  with  theaddress of the  GAME  OVER  routine,  thenprint it. One possible register is HL  (aswe have met before), but  also  two  otherregisters call
   1 NOTE- there is no longer        a part zero.
   1 AN30.D    
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   1 @BCBC@B@B>@>@<@
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   1 ;"        LOADING PART ";CNT;"         "
   1 9;<;<9;9;7979;
   1 9;<;<9;9;79795
   1 3E 05 32 1A 61                                                                      So this tells us that  the  computer  putsthe  number  five  in  box   number   611A(remember  that   2   byte   numbers   arereversed!) Now to hack the game, we simplychange the number 5 at 905D to any  numberof lives we want  (the  maximum  is  #FF).Now, get out of STK, reload the "Bytes: M"file and RANDOMIZE USR 24800 (the originalcommand in the BASIC), and  hey  presto  -you will have whatever amount of lives youwanted!                                                                             All that remains  to  do  is  to  write  aproper hack  for  it.  905D  is  36957  indecimal, so your hack would  be  somethinglike "MERGE the BASIC loader,  and  insertPOKE  36957,n  before  the  RANDOMIZE  USRstatement, where  'n'  is  the  number  oflives."                                   And it's as simple as  that.  If  you  canunderstand what we've done so far,  you'redoing well, so stick at it.               Any unprotecte
   1 1999 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 00000000`00
   1 0..9  -  switching  of  RAM  banks  on  ZXSpectrum  128k.  If   SP   is   in   range#C000-#FFFF then it will be set to  #5800.This is the same as OUT  (#7FFD),number  -you can see second videoram by pressing  8or 9 key.                                                                           U - user function. There are  JP  XXXX  ataddress #3901. You can set address of thisjump to you own routine. Your routine  canend with ret - it causes return  into  NMIhandler.                                                                            Z - user function like 'U' but this key isreserved for using in  MB-02  applications(for example make snapshots,...)  However,if you want use this key, place address ofyou routine into address #3904.                                                                                                    Additional syntax of old commands         =================================                                              Legend:                                                 
   1 $e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$h$e$$h$i$e$$h$e$h$e$i$e$h$i$$
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "ALCHNEWS29"
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  LOAD +D INDEX 
   1                       MAY  1999        
   1                                          Pound   US$     DM     HFL                
   1                                          2.00    3.00    5.00   5.00|                                                                                                  REGISTERED                                Z80 (with Disciple Emulation)             Pound   US$     DM     HFL                15.00   25.00   35.00  35.00                                                                                                  WinZ80                                    Pound   US$     DM     HFL                15.00   25.00   35.00  35.00                                                                                                  WinZ80 + Z80                              Pound   US$     DM     HFL                20.00   30.00   50.00  50.00                                                                                                  Update from previous version              Pound   US$     DM     HFL                10.00   15.00   25.00  25.00              (includes Z80 & WinZ80)                                  
   1                                            THREE WEEKS IN PARADISE COMPLETE SOLUTION                                          To Rescue Wilma                                                                     First of all get the Mint  from  the  signoutside the Trading Post then get  Wilma'sHandbag from the  beach,  to  get  to  thebeach go through the picture in  the  roomthat contains the table. As  long  as  youhave the Handbag in  your  possession  thecrocodile will not harm  you.  Go  to  thescreen with the Ice Cube in it  and  pressthe Action key. Now pick up the  Hole  andgo right  until  you  are  just  past  thecrocodile, now drop the Handbag. Take  theGold Fish Bowl and the Hole to the Wishingwell screen, stand at the far left of  thescreen and press the Action key.  Go  leftinto the new screen and take the  Skeletonkey, the spider will not move as  long  asyou have the Bowl. Go through the  pictureagain and into  the  sea,  pass  over  thelocker and the door will  open.  Take  theSpinach and dr
   1                                               BSrom118 - Modified ZX Spectrum ROM                  (c) Busysoft                        Original rom: (c) Amstrad                                                                                                             Generally                                 =========                                                          It's classic ZX Spectrum 48k (+) ROM  withthis modifications:                                                                 - some new commands - see below                                                     - additional syntax of some commands - seebelow                                                                               - cca  four  times  more  speed  of  pilotsignal synchronize from tape                                                        - program cursor changed from ">"  to  "*"(for autolisting)                                                                   - increase frequency of error beep (RASP)               
   1                                                Sinclair (Z88) Show in California                                              There is to be a Sinclair (QL / Z88 / 2068/ 1000 / ZX81) Show in California. At  theUS QL show last year, there was talk abouthaving two shows in the US in 1999, one onthe East Coast and one on the West  Coast.I don't know if the intention was  to  getme to organize the show, but I  think  thediscussions might have mentioned me  as  alikely victim/organizer.                                                            Anyhow, the show  is  being  organized  bymyself and Don Walterman. Don is also intothe Z88 ( a little more than  me.  I  likemine but don't have much of a call to  useit these days.).                                                                    The details are as follows:                                                         Date:   5 June 1999                       Place:  Mehran Banquet Hall (converted            store front)                              Union 
   1                                                 HOW TO HACK on the ZX Spectrum                                                A complete guide to creating POKEs on  theSpectrum, featuring full examples. Devisedand written by Richard P Swann                                                      WHAT YOU WILL NEED                                                                  If   you   want   to   use   this   seriessuccessfully, you will need the following:                                          * An understanding of Spectrum  BASIC.  Ifyou are total beginner,  you  will  almostcertainly find this book too  complicated,and hence  useless  to  you.  If  you  canunderstand most of  the  Spectrum  manual,then you should be all right. If you don'tunderstand a word of the section on  using+3 DOS in machine code in the  +3  manual,don't worry, 'cause I don't either!                                                 * A disassembler or a monitor program. Youcan, in theory, hack anything without  oneof these, but 
   1                                                 Back in time with Arnold Yates                                                I thought for this issue we could  take  alook at some of the many hardware  gadgetsthat were available in the hectic spectrumdays of 1985 or there abouts.                                                       Lets   start   with   the   zx   interfacetwo,allows you to  connect  two  joysticksand a rom software cartridge  to  your  zxspectrum,you ca n use interface 2 with anyor all of the  spectrum  peripherals.  youhad to connect the interface  two  to  theexpansion port on the spectrum before  youswitched  on  the  computer,  it   had   2joystick ports and both could be  used  atonce, there was a slot in the top pice  toallow a rom cartridge to  slot  in  to,butyou had to  remb  er  to  switch  off  thecomputer before inserting the rom.                                                  I can remember 2  of  the  rom  cartridgesaround  at  the  time   and   they   werntcheep,one was 
   1                                                  THE WINDOWS VERSION OF THE Z80                  SPECTRUM EMULATOR                          by G. A. LUNTER                                                                                                 As some of you may already be aware, BrianGaff (in the guise of B.G.  Services)  hasdecided  to  stand  down   as   the   MainDistributor of the Spectrum Z80  Emulator.This   was   timed   to    happen,    withdistribution responsibilities  passing  tous and with Gerton Lunter's approval, uponthe release of the new Windows  version  -which is now ready (18th March 1999).                                               This version  (No.4.0)  is  now  availablefrom the Producers of OUTLET magazine:                                                           CHEZRON SOFTWARE                        34 Saltersgate Drive                            Birstall                                  LEICESTER                                  LE4 3FF                               
   1                                                  An interview with Bo Jangeborg                    by Paul white.                                                       One of the most innovative games designersof  the   Spectrum   generation   was   BoJangeborg. Although his work was far  fromprolific, what he did create  will  alwaysbe remembered as the classic  titles  thatthey are. Fairlight  in  particular  is  awonderful 3D adventure that appeared  longbefore Zelda ever graced  a  Nintendo  andhelped create  an  adventuring  hunger  ingamesplayers  that  is  still  as   activetoday.                                                                              ZX: The first commercial program you wrotewas  The  Artist.  Was  there  any   otherprograms you wrote before this?                                                     BJ: No, that was the first one. It startedout with me being able to  move  a  singlepixel across the  screen,  and  grew  fromthere.                                                  
   1                                                   Stormbringer (Mastertronic)                                                                                           STORMBRINGER - Updated  FULL  Solution  ByBlood, with very special thanks to Wul forhelping with the end bit!                                                                                                     To start with, always take the  bottle  ofliquid from the room to the  left  of  thestart. Drink this when  your  energy  getslow. Get the chicken and if  you  wait  itwill lay a golden egg, a bronze egg and  asilver one. Take the newspaper from  Robinof Shylock (he will take an egg in return)and read it.                                                                        Take the wand of command from Aramis. It'sa good idea to tell  Robin  to  be  happy,have some food and go to sleep or he'll betoo knackered to help you  when  you  needhim later on. Wear the right disguise,  asonly  with  the  right  disguise  and  thenewspaper will
   1                                                   DESERT ISLAND DISKS REVIEW                                                  April 1999 and issue two of Desert  IslandDisks is  reviewed.  You  may  recall  thereview of issue one in the AN29.  If  not,let me remind  you;  DID  is  the  Englishmagazine written  by  the  Danish  MichaelBruhn. Issue one got an excellent write upand it's going to be difficult  to  followit up!                                                                              Whilst it would have been hard to  improvethe first, I  made  a  comment  about  theblack &  white  pictures.  This  has  beenrectified -  and  how!  The  colour  printquality  is  superb  and  has  never  beenachieved  by  any  other   magazine.   Andnothing has been lost to cover this.  Stiltwo pounds, over twenty pages and full  ofnew news and information.                                                           There's a great editorial. If there's  onething that magazines need  more  now  thanever before is
   1                                                     The Z88 Development Kit                       Dominic Morris                                                        I'm proud to announce v1.1 of the Z88dk  -the Z88 Development Kit. For those unawareof  it,  it's  a  programming  environmentwhich produces programs  for  the  Z88  orindeed for any other Z80 based machine  iflibraries are supplied for it.                                                      The package consists of:                                                            - Highly extended Small C+ compiler                                                 - Peephole optimizer                                                                - Unified assembler and linker in the formof z80asm from Interlogic - Libraries  andincludes for the Z88                                                                When I say highly extended, I mean that ithas the following additional  features  onSmall C(+)                                              
   1                                                     DRACULA - THE SOLUTION                                                    DRACULA -PART 1                                                                     E, pay coachman, e, s, examine desk,  ringbell, sign register,read register,  n,  e,sit, read menu, bacon cutlet, water, w, u,unlock door,open  door,  n,  look  around,sleep, look around,  examine  table,  takebone,give bone to dog, w, u, n, sleep,  s,d, w, look around, sit,  wait,  wait,wait,wait, say John Harker. END                                                          DRACULA -PART 2                                                                     Look  eyes,  wake  up,  wait  until  coacharrives, say yes, wear cross,board  coach,lift seat, insert thong  into  slot,  turnthong, w, s, look around, u, examine door,examine  frame,  examine  bat,  feel  batsmouth,examine table, take bottle, w, s, e,pull cord, w, w, examine table,take  tray,n, take cloth,  polish  tray,  open  door,enter   wardro
   1                                                     ALCHEMIST PD RELAUNCHES                                                   Mick Harrop, librarian  of  Alchemist  PD,has relaunched the PD library site on  hisnew server:                                                                                                                       Mick had to change service providers  lastyear and the site  disappeared.  But  it'snow back and being slowly stocked with allthe titles we used to have at Alchemist PD/ Software, plus  more.  We  launched  thesite  last  year  in   response   to   thecountless  sites  dedicated  to   Spectrumgames, which emulator users seem to  spendmost of their time on. We wanted to be thefirst to offer  the  great  programs  that'real' machine users  know,  but  emulatorand 'net users overlooked.                                                                                                           BG SERVICES ENDS Z80 SUPPORT                     
   1                                                      Recycling For Pennies                          The Editor                                                          Whilst speaking to Steve Hanley  (a  localreader with a penchant for  sourcing  justabout  any  electrical   item)   on   Goodfriday,he gave me  a  great  idea  for  anarticle based on his aquirements.You  see,Steve wanders around the local second handshops for computer bargains, has a chat tothe owner about it's state and  condition,and then gets back to  me,  asking  if  itwill connect the  way  he  wants  or  willperform a  certain  function.  It  usuallyrelates to printers or monitors.                                                    The  case  this  day  was  a  Philips  RGBmonitor, with  sound,  for  a  fiver.  Themonitor  had  an  eight  pin  DIN  socket,seperate sound input and a  SCART  socket.Steve's question - would it work and  how?He'd took a very long winded  approach  toit by  contacting  Philips  themselves  toask. (Rule num
   1                                                       DATABASE COLLECTION                Compiled & Edited by Mick Harrop                                               Ok a bit of a DATABASE theme  this  issue,you will  find  3  types  of  Database  ondisk/tape,   MASTER   FILE   by   CampbellSystems, DATABASE by Gemini and a Shoppinglist database program (great for compilingyour weekly shopping list).                                                         So what can you keep in a database then:                                            1) Your book collections                  2) Your record collection                 3) Stamp collection                       4) Software,  recipes,  wines,  names  andaddress                                                                             Just about anything you  want  to  keep  alist of. It is just that using a  databasemakes it so much easier to find  what  youwant faster.                                                                        Ok you  will  
   1                                                          TRADING POST                             **************                                                        Please enclose a SAE with your enquiry  toall services. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.                                          If your group isn't listed, please get  intouch and we'll add your details.                                                                    * * * * *                                                          ADVENTURE WORKSHOP                        36 Grasmere Road                          OLDHAM OL2 6SR                            (Adventure software distributor)                                                                                              ALBHAR                                    4 Bethune Close                           Farley Hill                               LUTON LU1 5LX 
   1                                                           Tomato Girl                                                                                                   Here's three gems of information  for  allof you hardware fanatics.                                                           Firstly here's one  idea  that  definatelyworks on a +3.                                                                      Buy up any old PCW's at car boot sales  ifthey have  two  drives.  I  suggest  `  10maximum (I got one last Sunday for a fiverand both drives worked without trouble)                                             O.K. let's say you eventually get  two  ofthese beasts. Drive belts go on them  justthe same as the +3's but if  you've  stuckwith your +3 for a  number  of  years  youshould be a dab hand at changing them.                                              Now assuming you haven't defected to a PCW(Locoscipts horrible - well in my opinion)you will now have two 3" 80  track  drives(two 40 track 
   1                                                           THE HOBBIT                                                          INSTRUCTIONS                                                                        The objective of the game is  to  get  thetreasure form the Dragon and place  it  inthe chest. Commands can be given in normalEnglish.                                                                                                                      CHEATS                                                                              The following is  the  complete  solution.Simply type in each command one after  theother.                                                                              OPEN DOOR                                 EAST                                      NORTH                                     SOUTHEAST                                 WAIT (UNTIL DAY DAWNS)                    WEST                                      TAKE KEY                                  NORTH         
   1                                                           MASTERFILE                             BUSINESS/DOMESTIC                           FILING SYSTEM                          FOR 48K ZX SPECTRUM                                                     OVERVIEW                                                                            MASTERFILE  is  a  filing  and   retrievalsystem for use with 48k  Spectrum.  It  isalmost   entirely   machine   coded    forcompactness and speed,  and  offers  about32k of data per file. Files can  be  savedand loaded independently from the program,and   stored   either   on   cassette   ormicrodrive cartridge.  Because  MASTERFILEdisplay  formats  are  user-defined,   therange of applications  is  enormous,  bothfor domestic use and for business. Addresslists,   library   catalogues,   personnelfiles,  stock  inventories,  school   examresults,  family  trees-  all  these   areeasily handled by MASTERFILE                                                        Some of the ma
   1                                                           INDEX (1/2)                                                         AN30.1 : This editorial & index.                                                    AN30.2 : News. Lots of it, but mostly  forAN30.3:  the Z88.                                                                   AN30.4 : WHAT NOW? Only the  best  program         for the Z88 so far, that's what!                                           AN30.5 : TOMATO TIPS.  Bernadette provides         some excellent tips and ideas.                                             AN30.6 : BUSYSOFT REPLACEMENT ROM.   QuickAN30.7 : tutorial to a replacement 48k ROM         image   file   for    +2/+3    or         emulators.                                                                 AN30.8 : THE     DATABASE      COLLECTION.         Introduction  to   this   issue's         database   packages.   By    Mick         Harrop.                                                                    AN30.9 : US SH
   1                                                           DRAGONTORC                                  CHEATS                                                            Wispwood Forest / Wierdhenge                                                        Use the Bane  spell  to  kill  the  wisps.Trade the bow and the jewel with the elvesto get a sickle and  a  message.  Use  thesickle to cut the Energize plant. Open the2 slabs with the (m) symbol. Then drop alland go down to the Vaults.                                                          Kill the skeletons  with  missiles.  Thereare  4  chests  (one  is  hidden  under  atoadstool):  one  contains  a  key   whichunlocks another.The second key unlocks the2 remaining chests. Thus  you  get  the  Irune, the Leyrod and  the  Halfmoon.  Fillthe chalice with water, empty  it  in  thebasin : you get the  Heal  spell  and  thebasin energizes you.  Find  the  X  and  Trunes then use the runes on the E to  makean EXIT.                                                
   1                                                             WHATNOW?                          a review by Paul White                                                    The  Z88  was  not  designed  for  playinggames. My Z88 was not bought  for  playinggames. Yet like the teenager who convincedhis parents that  getting  a  Pentium  IIIwould help him do his homework  deep  downwe both know playing games  is  much  morefun.  WhatNow?  is  a  remarkable  utilitycreated by the Garry Lancaster  which  I'msure will  revolutionise  the  Z88  gamingscene and make the Z88 a tempting buy  forany seasoned text adventurer.                                                       It's purpose is to convert text  adventuregames created with  the  Spectrum  utilityGAC (Graphic Adventure  Creator)  so  theycan be run on your Z88 and played anywhereyou  desire.  WhatNow?  comes   in   threeflavours, ROM images  to  be  blown  to  asuitable ROM  card,  the  ram  installableversion or the emulator version to be  runon your PC. Wh
   1                                                              POKES                                                                                                      3 WEEKS IN PARADISE 50066,201 lives                                                 ALIEN 8  51736,0  lives;  44390,201  time;45121,x x=#chambers                                                                 ALIEN HIGHWAY 39410,201 energy                                                      ARC OF YESOD 47590,0 lives                                                          ATIC ATAC 36519,0 lives; 35851-2,62,241  &35855,40 chicken                                                                    AUTOMANIA   64968,167    lives;    53801,xx=#lives                                                                            BATMAN 36800,0 lives                                                                BOMB JACK 49984,0 lives; 49530,x x=#lives                                           BOULDER  DASH  31008,182  lives;  26011,33time          
   1                                                              NEWS                                                             1999 has been an  extremely  disappointingand upsetting year  so  far.  I  sincerelyhope that this is not the year we end  ourhard work on the Spectrum.                                                                                                                  GOODBYE MALCOLM                                                       As we reported  on  the  front  page,  theSAM's leading figure and  good  friend  ofours, Malcolm  Mackenzie,  sadly  died  onThursday 11th February 1999. I met Malcolmin December 1995 and he, along with  DavidLedbury, were my closest contacts  in  theSAM world, providing  news  and  exclusiveSpectrum software and articles.                                                     I am sure that you will  all  join  me  ingiving our support to Malcolm's  wife  andseveral  children  and,  of  course,   hisclosest friend David Ledbury.  The  latestissue of their